French Surnames

While New York is not exactly booming with French Ancestry, you may still find a French surname on an old document, such as a Death Certificate or a Marriage Record. This list will help identify some of those names.

List of Most Common French Surnames


1. Martin
2. Bernard
3. Dubois
4. Thomas
5. Robert
6. Richard
7. Petit
8. Durand
9. Leroy
10. Moreau
11. Simon
12. Laurent
13. Lefebvre
14. Michel
15. Garcia
16. David
17. Bertrand
18. Roux
19. Vincent
20. Fournier
21. Morel
22. Girard
23. Andre
24. Lefevre
25. Mercier
26. Dupont
27. Lambert
28. Bonnet
29. Francois
30. Martinez
31. Legrand
32. Garnier
33. Faure
34. Rousseau
35. Blanc
36. Guerin
37. Muller
38. Henry
39. Roussel
40. Nicolas
41. Perrin
42. Morin
43. Mathieu
44. Clement
45. Gauthier
46. Dumont
47. Lopez
48. Fontaine
49. Chevalier
50. Robin
51. Masson
52. Sanchez
53. Gerard
54. Nguyen
55. Boyer
56. Denis
57. Lemaire
58. Duval
59. Joly
60. Gautier
61. Roger
62. Roche
63. Roy
64. Noel
65. Meyer
66. Lucas
67. Meunier
68. Jean
69. Perez
70. Marchand
71. Dufour
72. Blanchard
73. Marie
74. Barbier
75. Brun
76. Dumas
77. Brunet
78. Schmitt
79. Leroux
80. Colin
81. Fernandez
82. Pierre
83. Renard
84. Arnaud
85. Rolland
86. Caron
87. Aubert
88. Giraud
89. Leclerc
90. Vidal
91. Bourgeois
92. Renaud
93. Lemoine
94. Picard
95. Gaillard
96. Philippe
97. Leclercq
98. Lacroix
99. Fabre
100. Dupuis
101. Olivier


Surname Meaning Pages

Surname Meanings
French Surnames
Italian Surnames
Spanish Surnames
English Surnames
Irish Surnames
German Surnames