Founded in 1849.
Outdoors – 7 Days a week 8am – 5pm
Mausoleum – 9am – 4pm
Office – Monday to Friday 8:30 – 4:30 and Saturdays 9:00 – 1:00.
3620 Tilden Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11203
You can locate the cemetery your ancestor is buried in from their Death Certificate. Contact our genealogist if you have decided you need our help, or if you just don’t want to waste time trying to put all the pieces together.
Return to New York Cemeteries
Culver City, California
There are many Holy Cross Cemeteries across the United States, one of the most popular is the resting place of many Hollywood stars. Founded in 1939, the Culver City cemetery is located at 5835 West Slauson Avenue, operated by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Colma, California
Founded in 1887, Holy Cross Cemetery of Colma, California is a Roman Catholic cemetery under the control of the Archdiocese of San Francisco.
1500 Mission Road
Colma, CA 94014
Call the Colma office to ask about your ancestors grave. Phone Number – (650) 756-2060

Looking for information concerning Mildred Celeste Messina
death: 3/18/1924
birth: 12/11/1911
E-mail me with details and I can find this person for you, no problem.
John T. O’Connor buried Sept. 1915 with a full inspectors funeral from the NYPD. Looking for his obit. Thank you.
I am looking for information on my grandmother, Hannah (Clohessy) Smallman, buried at Holy Cross Cemetary in January 1955, and my grandfather, John Smallman, buried at Holy Cross in June 1930. I would like to know the location of their graves, and any birth location information you might have on my grandmother. I know she was born in Ireland, sometime in the 1880s, but would like any town or county information.
I would also like grave location information for my great grandparents, Solomon Smallman and Ellen(Connor) Smallman. My great grandfather was buried, I think, in 1918 and my great grandmother, I think, in 1927. Both are in Holy Cross Cemetary according to stories I have been told.
Any information you can share with me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Ed Smallman
Information Eleen Collins B 1872. D 8/21/1873 is she buried at Holy Cross. Thank you
Hi my name is Lucy Koszykowski, I’m writing I reference to mygreT grandmother and great grandfather, as well as two grand uncles clifford and Phillip a grand aunt Vera. They are all buried I the same grave. Last time the grave was opened Ibelieve was 1945
The first I the grave was vera( infant) then Ibelieve the next was Phillip ( young child) then came clifford ( he was 21) then my great grandfather and the last was my great grandmother Lucy. According to find a grave their grave doesn’t exist. I hope you can shed some light on this and can give me birth and death dates on the children. I sure would appreciate it. Thankyou
I would not expect them to be buried at Holy Cross. Why do you think they are in this cemetery?
I am trying to locate the grave of my grandfather, also named Ernest/o Tofani. He died young during late December of 1918 and was buried on January 1, 1919. I know he lived in Brooklyn. I live in Arizona and just returned from N.Y. this week. While visiting New York I drove to St, Raynond’s, Woodlawn, Cavalry cemeteries and came up empty handed. If you can help me with find out where he is buried, I would really appreciate it. Ernest F. Tofani
Ernest, your grandfather is buried in St Johns.
I am sorry, but I haven’t seen this until today, Nov 12, 2016. Is there any grave information of his location there, so I can visit when I come next summer? Ernest F. Tofani
I am sorry, but I haven’t seen this until today, Nov. 12, 2016. Is there any information of the location of his grave so I can visit next summer? Ernest (grandson)
Hello, I am hoping to find my great Aunt Loretta Rita Light (nee Buckley) who died 26 March 1931 and was buried in Holy Cross Cemetery. I was told in Section C, Row 29, Plot 127. When seeing the headstone at this site it is for different people? Could this be the wrong place or possibly her name not placed on the headstone? Is there a way to find out if others are interred in the plot? I’d appreciate any help you may be able to offer and thank you in advance. Warmest wishes, Maureen
Maureen, my first thought is that you were looking at the wrong plot. It is very easy to think yore in the correct location when you are not. There is no way I can know whats up without really digging into it and maybe going in person.
I’m trying to find the graves of William and Ann Callan. According to his death record on familysearch, William was buried in Holy Cross in 1875. I assume Ann was buried with him, probably between 1880 (in census) and 1900 (not in census). Thanks for any help!