Founded in 1849.
Outdoors – 7 Days a week 8am – 5pm
Mausoleum – 9am – 4pm
Office – Monday to Friday 8:30 – 4:30 and Saturdays 9:00 – 1:00.
3620 Tilden Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11203
You can locate the cemetery your ancestor is buried in from their Death Certificate. Contact our genealogist if you have decided you need our help, or if you just don’t want to waste time trying to put all the pieces together.
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Culver City, California
There are many Holy Cross Cemeteries across the United States, one of the most popular is the resting place of many Hollywood stars. Founded in 1939, the Culver City cemetery is located at 5835 West Slauson Avenue, operated by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Colma, California
Founded in 1887, Holy Cross Cemetery of Colma, California is a Roman Catholic cemetery under the control of the Archdiocese of San Francisco.
1500 Mission Road
Colma, CA 94014
Call the Colma office to ask about your ancestors grave. Phone Number – (650) 756-2060