This early Directory is a great piece of information. Apparently everybody lived on the “Main Road” or by the “Old Ferry Dock” etc.
Alexander, John, rope maker.
Armstrong, John, tavern keeper.
Barbarin, John N., physician, Main Road.
Beezely, William, laborer.
Beezely, Thomas, blacksmith, Sand’s Dock.
Bennet, John, livery stable, Main Road. Bennet, widow, washer, Main Road.
Berry, -, farmer, near the Episcopal Church.
Blackslee, Archibald, near the Episcopal Church.
Boerum, Martin.
Brown, widow Hannah, facing Capt. Dawson’s, Old Ferry.
Brower and Beezely, blacksmiths, Main Road.
Burlock, Thomas, livery stable, Main Road.
Burns, widow.
Cannon, Peter, cooper, near Sand’s Dock.
Carpenter, William, lumber merchant, near the Old Ferry.
Carpenter, widow, near the Old Ferry. Carstand, John, rope maker.
Clows and Rhodes, store keepers, Main Road.
Coe, Theme , blacksmith.
Cole, John, coach and chair maker.
Coop, Edward, blacksmith.
Cornelison, John, rope maker.
Cornell, Smith, cartman.
Cornell, William, boarding-house.
Cornell, Whitehead.
Davis, widow Elizabeth, Main Road.
Dawson, Henry, near the Old Perry.
Deane, John, shoemaker.
Denton, George, house carpenter.
Dougherty, William, house carpenter.
Doughty, John, butcher.
Doughty, Charles.
Douglas, -, butcher.
Eagles, Jacob, grocer, Main Road.
Field, Joseph, grocer, Main Road.
Fisher, John.
Foster, teacher, near the Episcopal Church.
Fox, Joseph, store keeper, Main Road.
Fuller, Benjamin, painter and glazier, Main Road.
Furman, William, one of the proprietors of the New Ferry, Main Road.
Garrison, John, butcher.
Gilbert, Robert, blacksmith.
Grant, William, Jayler.
Guy and Harmer, dyers, near the New Ferry.
Guy, Francis, dyer, near the New Ferry.
Hampstead, -, rope maker, near the New Ferry.
Hargrave, Robert, tinsmith, Main Road, near the Methodist (Church.
Harris, widow Grace, Main Road.
Hastings, John, gardener, opposite the Methodist Church.
Havens, Thomas, tavern keeper, near the Old Ferry.
Herbert, James, shoemaker, New Ferry Street.
Hicks, Jacob, tavern keeper, Old Ferry Dock.
Hicks, Jacob M., Main Road.
Hicks, John M., Main Road.
Hicks, John, one of the proprietors of the Old Ferry.
Hicks, George, one of the proprietors of the Old Ferry.
Hicks, Isaac, merchant; store, Pearl Street, New York.
Higby, Aaron, tavern keeper, Main Road.
Higby, Edward, tavern keeper, New Ferry Dock.
Hodge, Robert, bookseller, opposite the Methodist Church; store, Water Street, New York.
Hunt, Theodosius, one of the proprietors of the New Ferry, Main Road.
Ingles, Jacob, cooper.
Jackson, -, house carpenter.
Jarvis, Isaiah, tavern keeper, Main Road.
Johnston, John.
Ketchum, Pelick, tavern keeper.
Kyd and Jedlye, grocers, corner of the Alain and New Ferry Roads.
Lambertson, -, grocer.
Layhat, the Rev. Charles, Minister of the Second Baptist Church of New York, Main Road.
Lovett, James, saddler, Main Road.
Lynch, -, rope maker.
M’Combs, John, miller.
M’Lachlan, Robert, rope maker.
M’Moneygil, widow, school mistress, Main Road.
Maddock, Roger Whitington, brewer, near the Brewery.
Martin, John, dock builder.
Middagh, John, hatter, Main Read.
Mitchel, Samuel, rope maker.
Montany, John, house carpenter,
Moore, Lambert.
Moore, widow.
Morris, William, land broker, Main Road.
Mosier, John, house carpenter, near the Brewery.
Mott, Ridgeble, tavern keeper, near the Old Ferry.
Nicholas, Isaac, cabinet maker.
Nostrand, Timothy, tavern keeper, near the Old Ferry.
Parsons, Nap, rope maker.
Patchin, Jacob, butcher.
Patchin, Ralph, dairy man.
Phist, John, rope maker.
Price, Nathaniel, oopper plate printer, near the Methodist Church.
Rapley, Abraham, coach and chair maker, Main Road.
Rattoone, John, laborer, Sand’s Dock.
Remsen, Isaac, tavern keeper.
Sands, Joshua, between the Old and New Ferries.
Sharp, Jacob, Judge of the County Court, Main Road.
Sharp, Jacob, jun., Clerk of ditto, Main Road.
Shotts, Nicholas, laborer, Main Road.
Shrader, Christopher, rope maker, New Ferry Road.
Sing, William, merchant, store Pearl Street, New York.
Smith, Hassel, house carpenter, New Ferry Road.
Smith, Joseph, tavern keeper, Now Ferry Road.
Snedecor, Lewis, tavern keeper, Old Ferry Dock.
Somendyke, Nicholas, house carpenter.
Strytser, Bourdet (Burdett Stryker), tallow chandler and butcher.
Swartcoop (John V.), gunsmith.
Taylor, Solomon, blacksmith, Main Road.
Tilford, -, weaver, Main Road.
Thome, Samuel, baster, New Ferry Road.
Tillotson, Jeffrey, hatter, Old Ferry Dock.
Titus, Abiel, tavern keeper, Main Road.
Townsend, Nathaniel, hatter, Main Road.
Troutman, Andrew, laborer, New Ferry Road.
Tuttle, Barzillai, house carpenter, near the Brewery.
Underhill, Peter, jun., taylor, near the Old Ferry.
Van Aulen, Cornelius, laborer, Sand’s Dock.
Van Aulen, Peter, tavern keeper, Main Road.
Van De Water, John, livery stable, New Ferry.
Van Matert Gilbert, grocer, Old Ferry Dock.
Van pelt, Thomas, mason and master builder, New Ferry Dock.
Wailing, Philip, mason.
Ward, Barnabas, chair maker, Main Road.
Ward, John, rope maker, near the Now Ferry.
Walters, John, tavern keeper.