The 1855 New York State Census is one of the most important of it’s era due to the fact it provides us with each household members “Relation to the head of the family” in column 9. Even 5 years later in the 1860 U.S Federal Census they still did not provide this information. This information is not available until another 10 years with the New York State Census of 1865. It may not seem important, but there are cases in which people living together are not related the way you would expect, and this 1855 can save an enormous amount of confusion.
This is also the first New York State Census that includes the names of all family members, However the 1850 US Federal Census is an earlier census providing all names.
1855 New York State Census Columns
- 1 – Dwellings numbered in the order of visitation.
- 2 – Of what material built.
- 3 – Value.
- 4 – Families numbered in order of visitation.
- 5 – Name of every Person whose usual place of abode on the first day of June was in this family.
- 6 – Age.
- 7 – Sex.
- 8 – Color: White, black or mulatto.
- 9 – Relation to the head of the family.
- 10 – In what county of this state or in what other state or foreign country born.
- 11 – Married.
- 12 – Widowed.
- 13 – Years resided in this city or town.
- 14 – Profession, trade or occupation.
- 15 – VOTERS- Native.
- 16 – VOTERS- Naturalized.
- 17 – Alien.
- 18 – Persons of color not taxed.
- 19 – Persons over 21 years who cannot read and write.
- 20 – Owner of land.
- 21 – Deaf and dumb, blind, insane or idiotic
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